상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Headache (두통)

Visual/Distorted Cane

by Mr. Lazy 2020. 5. 4. 15:59


Headache (두통) <37.9x45.5cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2015>

I said I need more drug. Response was not to speak it out too loud. Perfume smell was strong. Seems it didn't come out between his mustache, but I felt headache. I went to upstairs. I felt like breaking up with my friend headache after breathing at higher. Everyone was dancing under colors like an ancient tribe hunted a wild boar. It was whirl, and systematic. Like jeans in bleach, it was a regular in irregular. Maybe a irregular in regular. Actually, I don't know. Just it was whirl, and systematic. Regular was something enforced from when I was a boy, and thinking of it made me feel giddy. I said I need more drug. Response was not to speak it out too loud. He slipped order and disorder into my hand. Perfume smell was even stronger.

약을 더 달라고 했다. 너무 큰소리로 그런 말 하지 말라는 대답을 들었다. 향수 냄새가 강했다. 그의 콧수염 사이로 나온 것은 아닌 것 같았지만, 머리가 아팠다. 위층으로 올라왔다. 좀 더 높은 곳에서 공기를 마시니 두통이라는 친구와 이별하는 기분이었다. 강렬한 색상들 아래서 마치 멧돼지를 잡은 원시부족처럼 모두 춤을 추고 있었다. 그것은 혼란스러웠고, 질서정연했다. 락스에 빠진 청바지처럼, 규칙 속의 불규칙이었다. 어쩌면 불규칙 속의 규칙. 사실은 잘 모르겠다. 다만 그것은 혼란스러웠고, 질서 정연했다. 어려서부터 강요 받은 것은 질서였는데, 그것을 생각하니 어지러웠다. 약이 더 필요하다고 했다. 너무 큰 소리로 말하지 말라고 했다. 그가 내 손에 질서와 무질서를 쥐어줬다. 향수 냄새가 더 강해져 있었다.


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