상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Hide-and-seek (숨바꼭질)

Visual/Distorted Cane

by Mr. Lazy 2020. 5. 7. 17:19


HIde-and-seek (숨바꼭질) <90.9x72,7cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2015>

We are doing a long hide-and-seek. This is a play which has something to find, but doesn’t have a thing to seek. The tagger was confused, and was making doughnut-shape smoke from his cigarette in mouth. One day was passed, two days were passed.. many days which has no meaning to figure were passed, but still the thing to seek was absent, and the tagger was confused. The ta...gger wears a tie of confusion, and heading to somewhere familiar with his briefcase. Everyone was a tagger, and everyone was seeking everyone. And everyone was missing.

우리는 긴 숨바꼭질을 하고 있다. 찾아야 할 대상을 있지만, 찾을 대상은 없는 그런 놀이다. 술래는 혼란스러웠고, 입에 문 담배로 도넛 모양의 연기를 날릴 뿐 이었다. 하루가 지나고, 이틀이 지나고.. 헤아릴 의미 없는 시간이 흘렀지만, 여전히 찾을 대상은 부재했고, 술래는 혼란스러웠다. 술래는 혼란스러운 넥타이를 매고, 서류 가방을 들고 익숙한 장소로 향했다. 모두가 술래였고, 모두가 모두를 찾고 있었다. 그리고 모두 부재했다.


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