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Mr. Lazy - a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song (2020. 12. 31)

Aural/Mr. Lazy

by Mr. Lazy 2021. 1. 5. 15:58


Mr. Lazy - a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song

(2020. 12. 31)​

All by Jimi Kim


1. a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song-Pt. I

2. a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song-Pt. II

3. a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song-Pt. III

4. a dog, a dreamer, an old moon, and a sad song-Pt. IV


Dear Mr. Jacques Derrida

Facing silent text of yours
Was a grenade at the center of the world I aware

Endlessly sliding in Signifiant
Following your text
I send my impossible mourn for your passing

To be a redemptive spectre
Of ideological spectre
Now I embark to your silent storm

Feature of blue and red
Feature of wealthy and poverty
Feature of violence and nonviolence 
Are same

Testifying these
Being a monster swallowing the storm
At the center of the storm

Until then


쟈크 데리다 님께,

고요한 당신의 텍스트를 마주하는 것은 
내가 알던 세상의 중앙에 던져진 수류탄 같았습니다

당신의 텍스트를 따라 
기표안에 끊임없이 미끄러지며 
당신에 대한 불가능한 애도를 표합니다

이데올로기의 유령을 
구원하는 유령이 되기 위해
저는 당신의 고요한 폭풍 속으로 들어가려합니다

그 폭풍의 중앙에 서서
파랑의 특질이 빨강의 특질임을
부유함의 특질이 가난함의 특질임을
폭력의 특질이 비폭력의 특질임을

폭풍을 집어삼키는 괴물이 되어
증명하고자 합니다



Link - gate.fm/CmDodz


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